Triple Impact Report – why investing in nursing can benefit us all

On the 17th of October the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health (APPG) launched a new report entitled Triple Impact – How developing nursing will improve health, promote gender equality and support economic growth.

The report argues that there is an urgent need to raise the profile of nursing at a global level and that universal health coverage cannot be achieved without strengthening the role of nurses across the world.


In addition to providing an overview of the challenges faced by nurses globally, this valuable document includes a list of seven key recommendations made by the APPG to the UK government, the Commonwealth Secretariat, the European Union, the World Health Organisation and other international agencies, inviting all to work towards:

  1. Raising the profile of nursing and making it central to health policy.
  2. Supporting plans to increase the number of nurses being educated and employed globally.
  3. Developing nurse leaders and nurse leadership.
  4. Enabling nurses to work to their full potential.
  5. Collecting and disseminating evidence on the impact of nursing on access, quality, costs, and ensuring it is incorporated in policy and acted upon.
  6. Developing nursing to have a triple impact on health, gender equality and economies.


  1. Promoting partnership and mutual learning between the UK and other countries.

The report is available for download on

Unity in Health was delighted to have the opportunity to submit evidence for this report and above all to attend its launch and meet others who are passionate about nursing in an international development context. As an organisation with nursing education, promotion and empowerment at the core of its mission, Unity in Health fully supports the arguments made on this report, and looks forward to working together with others for the benefit of nursing across the globe.