Why donate?
Unity in Health is committed to improving the number and quality of mental health services in regions where these are insufficient or non-existent. Your donation will help us to support more health professionals and to equip them with the necessary skills needed to face the challenges of improving health inequalities worldwide.
When you donate today By donating today, you can help setting are helping to: set up a new mental health community service where it is most needed; training train a carer on how to look after his sick relative; or publishing publish factsheets offering key information to local populations on how to manage symptoms or reduce risks of developing ill mental health. Your donation is going to make a real difference. regardless of the amount you choose to give.
Thank you for your donation.
How can I donate?
You can send in your cheque, made payable to Unity in Health, to: Unity in Health, Top Floor, 15 Arundel Square, London N7 8AT, United Kingdom. So that we can acknowledge your donation, please include a covering letter with your name and address details.
You can make a donation via bank transfer by using the account details below. Your bank should provide you with a receipt of your transfer. Please send us an e-mail stating the date that you transferred your donation, so that we can thank you and let you know once we have received it (please write to:
Name: Unity in Health
Address: Top floor, 15 Arundel Square, London N7 8AT
Bank: Charity Aid Foundation (CAF)
Bank account: 00025451
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Donating online is simple, safe and secure.
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